Understanding ‘Get Laced’: A Parent’s Guide to Teen Slang

Alright, parents. Gather ’round, because it’s time to talk about something that’s probably been popping up in your house lately teen slang. It’s like a secret language that kids speak when they think they’re being cool and mysterious.

The problem? You’re not in on the secret. And one phrase you might’ve heard recently is “get laced.” What does it even mean? Is your kid talking about shoes, drugs, or some kind of new internet meme? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Let’s break it down.

You’ve probably heard teens tossing around phrases like “That’s fire!” or “I’m dead!” and you’ve sat there, blinking, wondering if you’re still living in the same century. But what about “get laced”? It can mean several things, and depending on the situation, it could have different connotations. So let’s decode this phrase together, in the most relatable, fun, and, dare I say, slightly hilarious way possible. Ready? Let’s go.

What Does “Get Laced” Really Mean?

To start off, let’s get the basics out of the way. “Get laced” is one of those phrases that can change meaning depending on the context. Like, you could hear it at a basketball game, at the mall, or even at a party. So let’s run through the possible meanings, and I’ll explain each one in simple terms.

1. Lacing Up Your Shoes

Let’s start with the most innocent and least eyebrow-raising meaning. In the world of footwear, “getting laced” is simply about… well, lacing up your shoes. And before you roll your eyes and think, “Seriously? You’re dedicating a whole section to shoes?” hear me out.

If your teen says, “I’m about to get laced,” they could just be talking about putting on their new sneakers. Maybe it’s a pair of limited-edition kicks they’ve been dying to show off, or they’re gearing up for the big game. In this case, “getting laced” is all about preparing for something—whether it’s a sporting event or just a stroll around the mall.

Let’s say your kid walks into the house wearing a fresh new pair of Nikes. You glance down and say, “Nice shoes!” They might respond with, “Yeah, I got laced with these yesterday.” Translation: They bought or were gifted those shoes, and now they’re ready to rock them.

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2. Getting Spiked (Drugs, Yikes)

Okay, here’s where things get a little more serious. “Getting laced” can also refer to when someone’s drink or food (sometimes unknowingly) gets laced with drugs usually something like ecstasy, marijuana, or worse.

This is where it’s important to stay vigilant as a parent. If your teen says something like, “Yo, that party was wild. I almost got laced,” they could be talking about a situation where someone tried to spike their drink or where they were in an environment that made them feel unsafe.

But here’s the thing this is a term that can go under the radar. So, if your kid uses it, don’t panic right away. Take a step back, breathe, and ask them to explain what they mean. Chances are, they’re just talking about something dramatic in a casual way, but it’s always a good idea to have those open, non-judgmental conversations about peer pressure and safety.

3. Getting Defeated or Beaten Badly

Now, here’s a fun one “getting laced” can also mean getting totally crushed, whether in a game, a competition, or just an embarrassing situation. Picture this: you’re playing basketball, and your opponent is on fire. They’re dunking on you left and right, and you can barely keep up. In the middle of the game, your opponent might say, “Yo, you’re about to get laced!” Translation: You’re about to get destroyed in this game.

For example, your teen might say to a friend, “Man, I can’t believe you just laced me in that game of Fortnite.” What they mean is that they were completely outplayed. So, no, your teen isn’t talking about shoes or drugs just a healthy amount of trash talk (because gaming and sports are full of it).

4. Getting Some Serious Style (The Sneakerhead Edition)

If you have a kid who’s into fashion or sneaker culture, “getting laced” might just mean getting a cool new pair of shoes or upgrading their style. Sneakers are big business these days—if you haven’t noticed the price tag on those limited-edition Air Jordans or Yeezys, well, welcome to the world of fashion-driven teenagers.

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Let’s say your teen is obsessed with sneakers. If they say, “I’m about to get laced with some new kicks,” they’re not just talking about lacing up shoes they’re talking about getting a new pair of shoes that are going to make them feel like a trendsetter. And for a teenager, feeling like they’re the coolest person in the room is pretty much the equivalent of winning an Olympic gold medal.

Fun Scenarios: When “Get Laced” Shows Up in the Wild

Now, let’s make things even clearer with some real-world examples of how “get laced” might show up in your life. Don’t worry, no drugs or crazy stuff involved (unless you’re at a wild college party—which, hopefully, you’re not).

Scenario 1: The Basketball Game

John: “Yo, you ready to play today?”

Mike: “Yeah, I’m about to get laced up.”

John: “You sure? You’ve been practicing, right?”

Mike: “Of course! I’m bringing my A-game today. Get ready to lose.”

In this scenario, “getting laced up” simply means putting on your sneakers and getting ready to play. It’s all about gearing up, both physically and mentally. This is an innocent, game-time phrase that’s totally safe and normal.

Scenario 2: The Sneaker Showdown

A: “Yo, have you seen Mike’s new shoes?”

B: “Yeah, he really got laced. Those are fire.”

A: “Man, I’m jealous. I need a pair like that.”

B: “Maybe you need to get laced too. Step up your sneaker game.”

In this example, “getting laced” refers to buying new shoes that are stylish and impressive. This is a phrase you might hear when your teen is talking about their latest sneaker obsession. It’s all about status and style, folks.

Scenario 3: The “Spiked Drink” Moment

Mike: “That party was wild. Someone tried to lace my drink.”

John: “What? Dude, are you okay?”

Mike: “Yeah, nothing happened. Just gotta be more careful next time.”

This scenario isn’t as common as the others, but it’s important to be aware of. If your teen mentions this phrase in a context like this, it could mean they were in a risky situation. As a parent, it’s a chance to talk about safety, boundaries, and looking out for each other.

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Common Questions and Misconceptions About “Get Laced”

Okay, now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s tackle some burning questions that might pop up when you hear the term “get laced.”

Is “Get Laced” Always Bad?

Not at all! As we’ve seen, “get laced” can mean anything from putting on shoes to getting crushed in a game. The dangerous connotation with drugs is something to be aware of, but don’t jump to conclusions too quickly. Always ask your teen to explain the context before assuming the worst.

Should I Be Concerned If My Teen Says It?

Not necessarily. Most of the time, your teen is probably just using the term to describe a pair of new shoes, a great game, or even a little light-hearted trash talk. But if you’re ever in doubt, ask them to explain. Communication is key here.

How Do I Respond If I Hear “Get Laced” in a Concerning Context?

First, stay calm. If you suspect your teen is referring to something dangerous like drugs, approach the conversation gently. Don’t act like you’ve caught them doing something wrong—just ask questions to understand what they mean, and talk about the potential risks. Keeping the lines of communication open is crucial.


As a parent, it’s easy to feel out of the loop when it comes to teen slang. But hey, now you’re officially in the know about “getting laced.” Whether it’s sneakers, a game, or something more concerning, knowing what your teen means when they drop this phrase is a step in the right direction.

So, the next time your kid says they’re about to get laced, you can confidently ask, “Oh, are you talking about shoes, or are you about to totally destroy someone on the court?” Trust me, they’ll be impressed with your knowledge.

And if you’re still unsure, don’t hesitate to have an open chat with them. After all, a little communication never hurt anyone except maybe their game skills if they’re really getting laced on the court.

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